These are some Workout for MenWorkouts for men can help them achieve a good looking, fit body; but, the exercises that target the abs must be performed using the correct form. Following are excellent lower ab workouts for men at home. During each exercise, remember to breathe correctly and focus on working the abdominal muscles. These exercises can be performed at home and can be performed with or without a floor or exercise mat.
Leg Lift Workout
Leg lift workouts are always an element of good lower abdominals training for men. To start this exercise, lie on the floor with arms resting straight at the sides. Slowly raise both legs together, perpendicular to the floor, to about six-eight inches from the floor. Control the breathing and use the muscles of the abdominals to hold the legs in this position for a count of ten. Slowly lower the legs down to the floor. Repeat ten to twelve times for a “set.” Initially, two sets per day are adequate; as stamina increases, increase the number of daily sets.
Reverse Crunch Workout
For this exercise, men need to lie on the floor with their feet crossed. With bent knees the legs are raised towards the thighs to a level where the knees and thighs form a ninety-degree angle. The abdominal muscles are contracted as the knees are brought closer to the chest. During this movement, the lower back making contact with the floor will have pressure exerted onto it. The knees are slowly brought back to the original position; then the legs are lowered to the original position with crossed feet on the floor. Again, the feet and thighs and the floor should be at a right angle. Two to three sets, with each set consisting of 12-15 repetitions, should be performed.
Leg Circle Workout
This exercise is one of the most well known lower
ab workouts for men. This exercise begins with the body lying on the floor, legs straight and with the hands underneath the back. The palms should lie flat against the floor. The legs are slowly lifted into the air until they are a right angle. Hold the position for a couple of seconds; begin to rotate the legs in a clockwise circle. After a count of ten-twelve; rotate the legs in a counter clockwise manner. Repeat to a count of ten-twelve. Start with two sets and increase as the ability to perform the exercise improves. Remember to breathe correctly while performing the exercise.
Hip Thrust Workout
To begin the hip thrust exercise, lie on floor and cross the ankles. Raise the legs slowly, keeping them straight and pointing towards the ceiling. Contract the abdominals and raise the hips from the floor. The lower back should be touching the floor. As with the other exercises, this one should be performed in sets of ten-twelve. Try to complete at least two sets. The more this exercise is practiced, the sooner it will be performed properly; and the sooner it will have impact on the abdominals.
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